Typst – 1

Typst is a brand-new typesetting system, the ultimate solution for document typesetting of the new age. A unified typesetting experience that combined the best of many worlds.

I believe that sooner or later, Typst will take over the reign of LaTeX in academia. Getting my hands dirty with Typst is a satisfying experience for me these days.

It works elegantly, and blazingly fast.

Everything works out of the box, you don't really have to learn much to start. Typst's document hierarchical system and scripting is so consistent and elegantly designed, being so easy to understand like Markdown.

95% of Typst is written using Rust. Typst's developers have done their job so well in performance optimization.

Incremental compilation system

While being powerful and feature-packed like LaTeX, Typst surprised me with a true WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) experience. In the past, there are many LaTeX contenders tried to replicate Word's WYSIWYG experience such as LyX, BakomaTeX, but their implementations are so inferior.

In LaTeX, PDFs need to be recompiled after every changes, which is inefficient and resource intensive. With Typst, every change you make is placed on top of what exists before, thanks to comemo, Typst's solution for cached compilation. Each letter and object you type got reflected in your PDF instantly and fluently.